About us:

The Philippine Trade and Investment Center in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam (PTIC-HCMC) is the attached commercial section of the Philippine Embassy, Ha Noi, and is the representative office of the Philippines' Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) - Foreign Trade Service Corps (FTSC) in Viet Nam. 

Mandated to among others, promote Philippine exports and services, to generate inward investments and to provide assistance in bilateral and multilateral trade and economic negotiations, PTIC-HCMC holds office in Viet Nam's acknowledged business capital of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), which is 1141 km south of the political capital of Ha Noi, around two hours away by plane.

HCMC is also around two and a half hours away by air from Manila, the capital of the Philippines.


The operation of PTIC-HCMC commenced in November 2007.  In August 2008, the Philippine Trade and Investment Center was formally issued authorization by the Viet Nam government to set up its office in Ho Chi Minh City.

The key objectives of PTIC-HCMC include:


PTIC-HCMC can be of assistance to exporters of manufactured goods and services from the Philippines as they try to expand their reach into Viet Nam.  This is also PTIC-HCMC's contribution in helping improve production levels in the domestic economy; aiding in the creation of  incremental employment; generating foreign exchange;  assisting in the upliftment of the stature of Philippine goods and services overseas; abetting in the promotion of economic diplomacy; and ensuring the further strengthening of the dynamic trade already ongoing between the Philippines and Viet Nam; among others. 

PTIV-HCMC can assist Philippine exporters:

- understand the business landscape in Viet Nam;

- link up with potential buyers/importers/distributors of products and services;

- promote their products and services through organized missions, trade show participations; round-table discussions or presentations, and other related work.

PTIC-HCMC can also assist prospective Vietnamese buyers:

- be updated about products and services that may be imported from the Philippines;

- generate information regarding Philippine products or services of interest;

- locate trade events and other opportunities to meet their import requirements from the Philippines; and other related work.


As the economy of Viet Nam grows, some of its companies may already see a need to expand overseas through direct investments.  PTIC-HCMC may assist potential investors from Viet Nam:

- learn more about the investment climate and the process of doing business in the Philippines;

- be connected with key agencies that may assist them on their investment plans;

- tap other avenues such as investment missions to determine opportunities for expansion for Viet Nam companies, and other related work.



PTIC-HCMC participates in bilateral and multilateral fora involving trade, services and other cooperative arrangements.